2 weeks ago we opened the doors to the Guarderia and we are excited to see the first happy returning customers.

Our clients are of different breeds and characters, however we can already see the trend apparent in the streets, which a great proportion of puppies and adolescents. We are happy to see lots of these fluffy creatures  coming from different rescue homes. It is wonderful to see how humans and little dogs are helping each other in hard times.

We are excited to be a part of this phenomenon and help new owners to be able to continue their lives while giving home and love to their new family members.

Guarderia is a great and safe environment for dogs including puppies and adolescents who are usually full of energy, requiring attention, and have needs to walk and eat while their owners are at work or fulfilling social commitments.

Having said that, it is important to stress the fact that the Guarderia is not a substitution to dog trainers. We are dog carers, making sure your pup has  great time, his needs are fulfilled while with us and he has friends and toys to play with. Unfortunately we cannot deal with difficult, extremely scared or unpredictable dogs for the safety of our clients and staff. This is the reason we insist on the initial assessment.

Based on our first experience in Guarderia we have enjoyed a company of absolutely adorable, cute and playful adolescents who have loving human parents. It is wonderful to see them playing together but even games have their rules which these little ones does not yet understand. They have to learn signals other dogs are giving them, not to get into trouble one day. Older and more experienced dogs understand when it is advisable to stop, when a dog is not ready to play or when he simply already has enough. This is why we always watch and control the games. However, these dogs are having their normal life outside Guarderia, they go to pipicans and meet other dogs in the streets and it may not be so safe if they do not learn basics in life.

We are excited to see our young clients  growing into happy dogs and enjoyable company for their owners. To help them achieve this moment in a fun way, we have asked a very experienced professional training couple from Ludocan to lead weekly Puppy classes in our Guarderia. Marta and Carles will teach you basic techniques and explain how to motivate your adolescents between 5 and 12 months to become confident and easy, happy dogs.

We aim to start classes right after the Easter holiday season. Details including a price and schedule will be announced on our website guarderia.feligos.cat soon. If you want more information, please do not hesitate to call us or send us a message.

We look forward to seeing you and your dear dog friends at our Guarderia

Team Feligos